Privacy & GPDR policy
What data do we keep and how we use it?
The personal information which you have provided will be used by Abbotswood Veterinary Centre to provide you and your pet with our veterinary and pet care services.
This policy tells you how Abbotswood Veterinary Centre will collect and process your personal data if you register as a client and use our website.
About us
Abbotswood Veterinary Centre is an independent small animal veterinary surgery in Yate. We provide first opinion veterinary services which include preventative health care, diagnosis and treatment of sick and injured animals, veterinary advice and sale of animal foods and care products.
Personal information we collect and why
We collect information such as your name, postal address, email address, telephone number and pet details to allow us to provide our services to you and your pet. These details may be used for the following purposes:
To provide care to your pet
To register you with our practice
To manage health plans
To process payments and insurance claims
To send reminders for treatments and appointments
To inform you of offers or changes to services
To conduct analytics of our services
Some information will be collected using cookies and similar tracking technology when you visit our website. You can manage your cookie preferences online.
Who we share personal information with
We may under certain circumstances need to share personal information with the following and will endeavour to seek your consent when doing so:
Specialist referral hospitals when referring your pet for diagnosis or treatment or when seeking advice about your pet
Other veterinary surgeries if you request to transfer practices
Insurance companies
Laboratories and suppliers who provide a service to us in relation to your pet
Our service providers for data processing, IT, data analysis and health plans
Regulatory or law enforcement bodies
Microchip database providers
How long we keep personal information
In accordance with our professional indemnity insurance we keep and securely store client records for 7 years after which point they will be archived or destroyed appropriately. Information for tax and audit purposes are kept in accordance with the law.
Your data protection rights
Right of access to request a copy of the information that we hold about you by contacting the practice
Right of rectification to correct data that we hold about you that is inaccurate or incomplete
Right to be forgotten. In certain circumstances you can ask for the data we hold about you to be erased from our records
Right to restriction of processing where certain conditions apply to have a right to restrict the processing
Right of portability to have the data we hold about you transferred to another organisation
Right to object to certain types of processing such as direct marketing
Right to object to automated processing, including profiling . You also have the right to be subject to the legal effects of automated processing or profiling.
Right to judicial review: in the event that Abbotswood Veterinary Centre refuses your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why. You have the right to complain as outlined below
We take your privacy seriously and will be happy to answer any of your questions about this privacy notice by contacting us directly at or on 01454 322449.
If you are still not happy with how your personal data is being processed or how your complaint has been handled you have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the Information Commissioners Office at or by calling 0303 123 1113.